terça-feira, janeiro 11, 2022

"The Great Resignation"

"The Great Resignation that has seen more than 43 million Americans leave their jobs in the past year shows no sign of slowing. Job quitting hit a record in November.

Restaurants and hotels have had the highest resignation rate, and that’s hardly surprising. The pandemic has caused millions of workers to reassess their lives and walk away from low-paying jobs. Many are getting hired quickly elsewhere for more money and better hours. Health-care workers are also quitting at record rates, as doctors, nurses and aides face burnout after their harrowing experience these past two years.

But another part of the resignation story has received far less attention. Manufacturing has weathered the biggest surge in workers quitting — a nearly 60 percent jump compared with pre-pandemic. No other industry has seen an increase like that."

Trecho retirado de "Why manufacturing workers are voluntarily leaving jobs at rates never seen before

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