domingo, outubro 10, 2021

"Who is trying to get the job done?"

"Who is trying to get the job done? The job performer represents the individual who will be executing the job. That person is the eventual end user of the services you’ll provide.

Be sure to make a distinction between the various functions involved in performing the job, in particular differentiating the performer from the buyer. Don’t conflate the two, because they have different needs. Think about two separate hats that are worn: one is for the job performer while carrying out the job; the other is for the buyer when purchasing a product or service.

Now, in B2C contexts, a single person may switch between the two hats. But their needs while wearing each hat are distinct. In the B2B situations, the job performer and the buyer are often separate people.
In addition to the job performer and the buyer, other functions within the job ecosystem to consider include the following:

Approver: Someone who authorizes the acquisition of a solution, e.g., a controller, a spouse or parent, or a budget holder
Reviewer: Someone who examines a solution for appropriateness, e.g., a lawyer, a consultant, or a compliance officer
Technician: The person who integrates a solution and gets it working, e.g., an IT support, an installer, or a tech-savvy friend
Manager: Someone who oversees a job performer while performing the job, e.g., a supervisor, a team lead, or a boss
Audience: People who consume the output of performing the job, e.g., a client, a downstream decision-maker, or a team
Assistant: A person who aids and supports the job performer in getting the job done, e.g., a helper, a teammate, or a friend

Map out the different actors who may be involved in a simple diagram, such as the one shown in Figure 2.3."
Trechos retirados de “The Jobs to Be Done Playbook” de Jim Kalbach. 

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