quarta-feira, outubro 30, 2019

"denser systems will produce more turbulence"

Há anos que escrevo aqui sobre o perigo dos hospitais-cidade, das escolas-cidade e outros. Por exemplo:

Entretanto ontem, durante uma caminhada matinal li:
"The Belgian Nobel Prize winning chemist Ilya Prigogine examined the origins of change in the reactions he studied. He concluded that all systems that are sufficiently complex can develop unpredictable emergent behavior. This includes social systems. The origins of this conclusion lie in positive feedback loops embedded in the system, producing boom and bust behavior that is difficult if not impossible to predict. From this he surmised that denser systems (for example, increasing population density and communication links) will produce more turbulence, that is, more complex interactions that produce virtually unpredictable emergent states and patterns of behavior."

Trecho retirado de “Strategic Reframing” de Rafael Ramirez e Angela Wilkinson.

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