sexta-feira, setembro 06, 2019

O “Mendelian executive” - a selecção das opções (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"The Mendel executive makes a conscious selection among alternative possibilities and does not merely rely on the result of a Darwinian process of contested market selection. [Moi ici: Afirmação um bocado forte. Que dizer das estratégias emergentes?] There then arises the question of when to engage in this selection and what criteria to use for the “culling.” This issue of timing and criteria are clearly related. To the extent that selection is more ex post, then measures of financial outcomes in the market place can be more useful in evaluating the merit of alternative strategies. By contrast, as the timing of evaluation becomes closer to the onset of the initiative, then interim metrics, such as test markets and milestones, become more relevant, and in the limit, an ex ante evaluation must rely on beliefs of possible merit. ... One can speculate about a business strategy, but feedback about its value can ultimately only be evaluated in situ. However, it is important to recognize that such feedback is, in general, ambiguous. Thus, persistence, faith, and psychological commitment are critical elements in terms of how an actor will respond to such ambiguous feedback. [Moi ici: E não esquecer quer o comportamento dos amadores a jogar bilhar, quer a obliquidade. Os amadores ficam-se pelo primeiro nível de pensamento, a obliquidade faz-nos perceber que alguns objectivos não podem devem ser atingidos como objectivos, mas como consequências] Just as a vector in physics is characterized by both momentum and direction, so too does a strategist’s vision have both elements of psychological commitment and a point of view regarding directionality.
strategic efforts to influence the bases of selection of the external environment, what Teece (2007) terms “shaping” strategies and what Gavetti et al. (2017) develop further as a process of “niche construction.” Firms strive to influence standard bodies, create ecosystems, and legitimate new organizational forms. Such efforts go well beyond the basic marketing function of attempting to influence consumers’ perceptions and preferences to influencing the very economic forces in which the firm operates. [Moi ici: Aquilo que a ISO 9001:2015 inclui na cláusula 4.2. Mais do que o cliente, as partes interessadas] Thus, while the idea of an “artificial” selection environment has been put forth to characterize the potential loose coupling between the bases of selection within the enterprise, in contrast to the immediate selection pressure of the firm’s competitive environment, the notion of niche construction invites an element of a “design” consideration with regard to the external environment. Emergence need not imply a lack of foresight and intentionality. Effective strategic leaders are very mindful of potentially attractive adjacent market spaces into which they could move.
The Mendel executive is mindful. She is engaged in one course of action but cognizant of other possibilities. She is alert to indicators of both failure and success. The Mendel executive has both the boldness and imagination to design novelty but, at the same time, the humility to understand the inherent limitations of any effort of design and the nearly universal need for refinements and modifications of a given trajectory. [Moi ici: Fundamental esta coragem casada com a humildade. Faz-me recuar a Fevereiro de 2007 e a um mapa: “The generic process involved is that meaning is produced because the leader treats a vague map or plan as if it had some meaning, even though he knows full well that the real meaning will come only when people respond to the map and do something. The secret of leading with a bad map is to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Having predicted that the group will find its way out, the leader creates the combination of optimism and action that allows people to turn their confusion into meaning and find their way home.”] The Mendel executive is aware of multiple possible “worlds” in which strategic actions can be enacted. There are the current markets and customers, but there are other markets and customers who might be reached by changes to a product, mode of distribution, or shifts in means of value capture. Boldness, imagination, and humility are not generally observed as co-occurring traits; but, when jointly present, they offer the possibility of identifying valuable and novel strategic initiatives."

Trechos retirados de "Mendel in the C-Suite: Design and the Evolution of Strategies" de Daniel A. Levinthal e publicado em 2017 por Strategy Science 2(4):282-287.

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