domingo, novembro 19, 2017

Mais um exemplo da democratização da inovação

Um interessante exemplo da democratização da produção, da democratização da inovação e de Mongo relatado em "Nurse as Maker: Democratizing Medical Innovation Starts Here":
"what if research and development of medical devices was democratized? What if the practitioners who work most closely with patients were brought into the product innovation pipeline?
With this in mind, the team is building programs to create technology literacy for practitioners, and is also working to build a platform to support a global network of health makers to engage in peer-to-peer learning.
Nurses aren’t the only people empowered when given the necessary tools for innovation. The patient is the true beneficiary of democratizing the medical innovation process.
It’s a great example of how a new shiny product alone isn’t always the best solution. Sometimes the best solutions are scrappy and created in close feedback loops packed with insights from real users—in this case, patients."
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Cooperativas de bairro que funcionam como makerspaces e onde os artesãos vão expor modelos e interagir com clientes

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