quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2017

Privilegiar os inputs sobre os outputs (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"A second implication of looking at our customer offering as an input into the customer's value creation rather than as an output of our own system is that we most look at other inputs on the customer side.

Seeing the offering to the customer as an input in the customer's value-creating process it is often useful to distinguish between two types of effect. The first is related to the customer's internal efficiency, mainly as manifested in the customer's cost structure. If the cost of various inputs to the customer's process can be made lower, or if we can create inputs which make the customer's internal processes more efficient, the customer will have the benefit of a cost advantage as a result of our intervention. However, there is also the possibility that the input we provide to the customer has a direct effect on the customer's own customer offering, i.e. the offering to our customer's customers. In this case our intervention will be directly visible (although not necessarily possible to directly attribute to our intervention) to the customer's customer. Our customer's ability to develop his market position as a result of offering innovation will he enhanced. We may say that his external effectiveness has been enhanced."
Interessante esta referência às duas palavras eficiência e eficácia. Não esquecer o quanto a palavra eficaz pode ser relevante na estratégia das PME. Recordar "if the customer don't care about the price, the retailer should not care about the cost" - eficácia mais importante que eficiência.

Percebo muito bem porque é que Normann (na Parte II) fala em "upframing". Abraçar esta abordagem é como subir a uma montanha, e olhar para a planície onde se costuma estar e ver as coisas familiares de uma outra perspectiva e conseguir desenhar padrões de interacção que nunca tinham sido considerados.

Continua tremendo este Richard Normann e o seu "Reframing Business"!!!

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