terça-feira, setembro 12, 2017

"seizing enhanced value creating opportunities" (parte II)

Na Parte I aborda-se um afunilamento mental que prejudica as empresas porque as impede de visualizar oportunidades.
"Every business misses the future and gets disrupted by an outsider. This happens because the incumbents are stuck in their ways, doing the same thing over and over again and never zoom out to take a look at the macro view.
“You know who should have invented Airbnb? Marriott Hotels,” says Black, starting a strange metaphor. “But they didn’t, because they’re so far up their own ass in the micro of running hotels that they could never, ever see outside of where they are. So, change instead comes from some eggheads down in Silicon Valley.”
“Disruption never comes from within. Every disruption is caused from the outside because everybody on the inside buys into the bullshit.”"

Trechos retirados de "Disruption Never Comes From Within"

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