"Cell 1 is the home of the neoclassical perspective, characterized by a disturbed-reactive environmental texture and conventional interfirm competition. Strategy models in this cell are built around a firm’s industry positioning strategy or distinctive resource-based competencies. The icon is Porter’s five-forces model.O que se passa quadrante 4 (cell 4) é muito interessante.
In Cell 2, strategy models are dynamic and assume a disturbed-reactive environmental texture. This is the basis for the ‘guerrilla’ strategy of intensified competition.
In Cell 3, the environment is viewed as dynamic, and static strategy models prevail. Firms seek competitive advantage by absorbing external uncertainties in extensive partnering arrangements that are opportunistic and low-trust, such as races to learn more than the partner more quickly. Each partner ‘co-adapts’, and if successful each ‘wins’.
Who wins and who loses depends on the competitive advantages that each group of firms creates through collective action’. In Cell 3 models, firms form alliances for the sake of growing bigger to compete more effectively, thereby enhancing firm performance.
Cell 4 is the arena for dynamic models of strategy practice in turbulent environments. This cell, we believe, is what scholars have been reaching for in describing the new landscape of strategy and suggesting the usual coping strategies need rethinking. We call this new landscape the hyper environment. Its defining conditions are (1) the stimulation of positive feedback processes in local fields of action that (2) produce emergent structural effects in wider fields of action.
First, in hyper environments actions by the players tend to be self-reinforcing in ways that do not occur in standard competitive environments.
A Coevolutionary Relationship - The two conditions of the hyper environment undermine the core contingency assumption in strategy, that a firm’s actions are independent in its extended social field. It is well recognized that the properties of an environment shape strategic responses of firms within it, but outside of social ecology and complexity theories it is less often recognized that strategy practices can alter the texture of the environment itself.
The emergent- effects condition of the hyper environment means players are not able to control the consequences of their actions on the environmental texture.[Moi ici: Subitamente recordo Hermann Simon quando este escreve que uma esmagadora maioria dos gestores acredita que o responsável por uma guerra de preço é sempre o concorrente, nunca o próprio]
Proposition 1: In hyper environments, the relationship between environmental texture and strategy practices is coevolutionary, not contingent.
In Cell 4 the dynamic capabilities reside in systems of firms, or interorganizational networks. These capabilities may be regionally based, industry based or market based. From a Cell 4 vantage point, firms focus on dynamic capabilities ‘not merely to compete better, but especially to coevolve better’."
Imagem e trechos retirados de "Contrasting Perspectives of Strategy Making: Applications in ‘Hyper’ Environments" de John W. Selsky, Jim Goes e Oguz N. Babüroglu, publicado por Organization Studies em Janeiro de 2007.
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