domingo, setembro 03, 2017

Comprem um cão! (parte II)

Parte I.
"Underlying the practice and study of business is the belief that management is a science and that business decisions must be driven by rigorous analysis of data. The explosion of big data has reinforced this idea.
But is it true that management is a science? And is it right to equate intellectual rigor with data analysis? If the answers to those questions are no and no...
Most situations involve some elements you can change and some you cannot. The critical skill is spotting the difference. You need to ask, Is the situation dominated by possibility (that is, things we can alter for the better) or by necessity (elements we cannot change)?
Executives need to deconstruct every decision-making situation into cannot and can parts and then test their logic. If the initial hypothesis is that an element can’t be changed, the executive needs to ask what laws of nature suggest this. If the rationale for cannot is compelling, then the best approach is to apply a methodology that will optimize the status quo. In that case let science be the master and use its tool kits of data and analytics to drive choices.
Data is not logic. Many lucrative business moves come from bucking the evidence.
In a similar way, executives need to test the logic behind classifying elements as cans. What suggests that behaviors or outcomes can be different from what they have been? If the supporting rationale is strong enough, let design and imagination be the master and use analytics in their service.
the division between can and cannot is more fluid than most people think. Innovators will push that boundary more than most, challenging the cannot."
E sublinho em particular:
"We think this is particularly true when it comes to decisions about business strategy and innovation. You can’t chart a course for the future or bring about change merely by analyzing history. We would suggest, for instance, that the behavior of customers will never be transformed by a product whose design is based on an analysis of their past behavior.
Yet transforming customer habits and experiences is what great business innovations do"
E volto aqueles a quem chamo de tríade,  prisioneiros de barreiras mentais e incapazes de perguntar:

- Como é que isto pode ser possível? Como é que não se pode sobreviver a vender sapatos de 20 euros e a solução passa por ter sucesso conseguindo vender sapatos a 230 euros?

Techos retirados de "Management Is Much More Than a Science"

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