sexta-feira, setembro 30, 2016

Fugir do granel

"Know your customers at a granular level. Leading companies are moving beyond traditional quantitative segmenting.
To raise your own customer analytics ability, start with thoroughly defining your market and customers. Deepen your knowledge by applying techniques such as mapping the customer journey.
Link your company’s customer strategy to its overall identity. Every successful company has a strong value proposition that distinguishes it from rivals. It consistently offers something for its customers that no competitor can match. To deliver this value proposition, it must develop and deploy a group of interrelated, distinctive capabilities. All of these must work together across the full portfolio of products and services. This combination of value proposition, capabilities, and offerings, when they all fit in a coherent way, gives the company its identity. The company’s customer experience can be thought of as the visible edge of that identity: the way in which people interact with the company and learn to appreciate it.
Linking your customer strategy to your company’s value proposition goes beyond lining up the right processes from marketing, sales, and data analytics. It means aligning the emotional elements of your customer strategy, and all customer touch points including pricing, with the strongest capabilities your company has.
Target customers with whom you have the right to win. When your company has a strong identity, you don’t need to claim the right to compete in every marketplace — only in the categories where you are reasonably confident of winning against competitors in a profitable way. Your value proposition will be consistent enough to appeal to a group of customers whom you can serve profitably. This is where you have the right to win, a reasonable expectation that you can compete effectively against rivals.
If you try to grow your business where you don’t have the right to win, you risk investing time and resources on fundamentally indifferent customers. You can and should branch out to other customers and markets, but those new customers and markets should be reachable with the same capabilities that gave you an edge with your core base."
A malta do granel ainda não definiu quem são os seus clientes-alvo, tem medo de se focar, tem medo de não abranger certos mercados, certos clientes e certas ofertas. Por isso, não se define e continua indiferenciada e insípida.
Cuidado com as fiambreiras, liquidam indiferenciados com uma perna às costas.

Trechos retirados de "10 Principles of Customer Strategy"

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