quarta-feira, agosto 19, 2015

5 alternativas à atenção da tríade

Ao longo dos anos tenho falado aqui acerca dos membros da tríade, gente que só conhece uma forma de competir no mercado: tamanho, preço e eficiência.
Algo a que os autores de "Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to Choose and Execute the Right Approach" chamam de "estratégia clássica".
Só que existem outras alternativas estratégicas. E a tríade não as conhece... sofrem do problema que Napoleão identificou:
"Napoleon said: To understand someone, you have to understand what the world looked like when they were twenty." 
Entretanto, nos últimos anos o mundo mudou e acelerou. Os autores do livro propõem 5 alternativas estratégicas:

"The Strategy Palette offers five distinct approaches to business strategy:
  1. The Classical Approach (be the biggest) [Moi ici: E apetece voltar aos participantes nos Encontros da Junqueira. Ficaram por esta visão do mundo, cada vez mais obsoleta. Recordar esta figura.] is the traditional analyze-plan-execute method, with a goal of achieving sustainable competitive advantage through scale or differentiation.
  2. The Adaptive Approach (be the fastest) is about responding rapidly to changing market conditions by continuously experimenting, then selecting and quickly scaling up whatever works.
  3. The Visionary Approach (be the first) envisions new business possibilities. Although this approach is typically associated with entrepreneurial start-ups, large companies now also need to be visionary to stay relevant.
  4. The Shaping Strategy (be the orchestrator) is about partnering with other companies to reshape an entire industry through collaboration, often using a digital platform.
  5. The Renewal Strategy (be viable) [Moi ici: Uma alternativa automaticamente satanizada por muitos. Recordo sempre Jobs e o seu “I am going to wait for the next big thing.”] is best used when a business is in jeopardy and needs to conserve its resources to fund the journey back to viability and growth."

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