sábado, junho 20, 2015

densidade e modelos de negócio

Quem segue este blogue sabe o quanto aprecio e uso o conceito de ecossistema da procura.
uns anos descobri e li "Reframing Business: When the Map Changes the Landscape" de Normann, R.. Quando comprei o livro não imaginava o efeito e importância que teria em mim.
"the idea of ‘density’ propounded by Normann (2001) aligns very well with the SDL concept of value creation through resource integration and both mesh well with the ideas of interactivity and networks.
Normann had used such novel concepts as ‘dematerialization’, ‘liquidity’, and ‘density’ to explore the shaping and fluidity of markets through reconfiguration of value-creating systems. A prerequisite for that rearrangement is ‘reframing’ of the overall system, by means of which ‘prime movers’ redefine their own and other actors’ roles. [Moi ici: Como não recordar este postal de ontem] These actors organise the creation of value [Moi ici: Criam novos modelos de negócio - novos circuitos de informação, para aumentar a densidade das relações e valorizar o intangível. Criar camadas de significado para lá da coisa material que se transacciona] beyond their own boundaries, not only through new offerings but also by way of novel value constellations and value-creating systems (that is, business ecosystems) in which they would normally not be found. Normann suggested the word ‘ecogenesis’ for such system-level reconfiguration, which lead to permanent changes in the daily lives of consumers or organisations. All economic actors should strive to become prime movers in relation to their own position in the system. [Moi ici: Daí que um dos primeiros passos de qualquer reflexão estratégica deva passar por perceber qual é o ecossistema actual e, se ele pode ser de alguma forma alterado em nosso favor, reconhecendo os pivôs e como podem ser induzidos a trabalhar connosco e para nós através de relações ganhar-ganhar-ganharA general principle is that resources and offerings do not have intrinsic value, but rather positional value, which is contingent upon the particular system of which they and the firm are parts."
Trechos retirados de "Business Markewting– A Nordic School Perspective" de  Christian Kowalkowski

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