segunda-feira, novembro 03, 2014

Quando se impõe uma mudança de estratégia? (parte I)

A propósito de "Sonae Indústria afunda 49% para mínimo histórico após anúncio de aumento de capital", recordar "The Lesson of Lost Value":
"We decided to study the biggest losers: companies that, in one way or another, had seen their fortunes go south over a 10-year period.
The results are unambiguous. Among the 103 companies studied, strategic blunders were the primary culprit a remarkable 81 percent of the time. When we segmented the data by industry and geography, we found some variations; for example, strategic failures are particularly acute in the financial-services industry, and Europe has more operational problems than the U.S. or Asia. Nevertheless, strategic failure remained the major cause in these cases as well."
Quando se impõe uma mudança de estratégia?

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