sexta-feira, outubro 03, 2014

Aplicável aos políticos que roubam o futuro para embelezar o presente

"Business leaders must steer away from simplistic “strategies” such as cutting costs to meet a margin target, bundling products to increase cross-sell, or buying the number 4 or 5 player to become number 1 or 2. And they must refocus their efforts on addressing the fundamentals of steering a company:
  •     What businesses should we be in and how do we add value to them?
  •     Who are our target customers and what is our value proposition to them?
  •     What capabilities make us best at how we add value to our individual businesses and how well they deliver their value propositions?
When management of current performance and future investment is guided by distinctive, compelling answers to these fundamental questions, it produces profits that are truly earned. And the more these fundamentals guide business leaders’ decisions and actions, the more sustainable our companies’ growth and profits will be — and the less their leaders are compelled to rob the future to achieve today’s results or sacrifice the short term in order to build for tomorrow."
Trecho retirado de "Long-Termism Is Just as Bad as Short-Termism"

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