terça-feira, maio 06, 2014

"Treat it as something special, and you may be able to raise prices by multiples"

Recordo, de Abril de 2011 em "A velha academia não percebe nem tem guião":
"A desesperança que a velha academia nos transmite nos media resulta, suspeito eu, da sua incapacidade de fazer a transição da economia do tangível para a economia do intangível. Como é que um João Ferreira do Amaral pode encaixar no seu modelo mental uma Littlemissmatched ou uma Happy Socks ou o sucesso da Nespresso num país em crise? [Moi ici: Hoje poderiamos juntar o sucesso da Bimby, dos smartphones, da Tupperware, dos festivais de Verão, ...]
A velha economia navega em mares para os quais não tem guião nem bússola."
 Recordo de Junho de 2013 em "Tantos nichos à espera de ser descobertos, criados, aproveitados" a hiperligação para:
"Signaling might be the key for socks to launch into the stratosphere. "I could only see it happening if there was a new fashion craze, if people started wearing knickers or long shorts that showed off socks," says Adams-Geller, who knows a bit about phenomena. See, if socks let you signal your community membership, there could be sock people!.
When does an outrageous price for a product become acceptable and even desirable? When the item transforms us from consumers to connoisseurs.But $300 socks might benefit from one or two additional ideas. V.K. Nagrani, a designer of high-end men's socks that retail for about $35, believes socks are a signal of intimacy.
You're not buying something to keep your feet warm or dry; you're buying seduction. (Though with men, of course, the seductive effect may be extinguished with the first glimpse of hairy calves.)
In this way, slowly but surely, products become ideas. And it dawns on consumers that your product--be it jeans, socks, or a high-end gas range--is a meaningful symbol of their personal aesthetics, their inner selves. Yes, we all know that no one in their right mind would ever pay $300 for socks. But having a right mind is so yesterday."
É com gosto que hoje, enquanto escrevo isto com umas Happy Socks calçadas, li "Men's Socks Are Having a $2.8 Billion Moment":
"The sock surge, however, is particularly interesting. Socks, like toothpaste or tonic water, have always been basically a commodity. Demand shouldn’t change that much from one year to the next.
So the only way to generate more sales dollars—as consumer goods execs know well—is to come out with some new style to justify higher prices or get people to buy more.
Treat your product like a commodity, and people will buy it like a commodity. Treat it as something special, and you may be able to raise prices by multiples. The sock bosses, it seems, are finally taking a cue from Starbucks."

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