quarta-feira, janeiro 08, 2014

“this is the inception of an industrial revolution”

Julgo que é a primeira vez que leio outra pessoa sobre esta possibilidade, assim, com esta ênfase.
Em "Why the Real World Will Matter More in 2014":
"you see a distinct, welcome trend away from screens and toward the real world.
this tilt toward technology in the real world will create value in entrepreneurship and improvements in everyday life will be literally seen and felt.
many of us are beginning to hear stories about everyday consumer uses for 3D scanners and printers. With these applications we see a vanishing distance—literal and cognitive—between manufacturing and consumer need. From the new vantage point of the burgeoning “maker movement,” we perceive ourselves as a one-person supply chain: in-shoring happens right in our own basement.
 “this is the inception of an industrial revolution.”"
A previsão há muito feita neste blogue de uma revolução naquilo a que chamamos emprego, naquilo a que chamamos supply-chain, naquilo a que chamamos "democratização" da produção. Conseguem imaginar as consequências disto... as peças de dominó mais distantes, a nível de empregos, educação, impostos, relações entre pessoas, modas, comércio, empreendedorismo, estatísticas, ...?
Fiz logo a conexão com esta outra leitura de hoje "Business's Worst Nightmare: Big Bang Disruption" e com "Thousands of the World's Internet-Connected Things in One Place"

Outra perspectiva interessante do artigo referido inicialmente, da qual nunca tomei consciência do que significava, embora a referisse várias vezes nesta série:
"[wearables] offers the kind of useful feedback once available only to world-class athletes at a sports lab with a team of researchers and coaches. Now anyone can now see things with an expert eye, though autonomously and at a fraction of the cost."

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