sábado, dezembro 07, 2013

Por amor de Deus, segmente!!!

Outro texto de Rags Srinivasan e outro ditado usado frequentemente neste blogue:
"Volume is Vanity, Profit is Sanity"
Uma lição que recordo de Hermann Simon em "Manage for Profit, not for Market Share".
Quando pensamos em valor e não em quota de mercado, deixamos de pensar em algo que vale cada vez menos e se tem de vender em cada vez maior quantidade, para podermos pensar contra a corrente. Recordar Christensen em "Sobre a paranóia da eficiência e do eficientismo".
"How many gurus and bloggers write – the single most important task for a business is to gain market share?
Making 10% gross margin on $640 motorcycle and making 40% gross margin on $20,000 premium motorcycle means businesses have to sell hundreds of millions of cheaper unit just to get the same profit selling premium units to 100,000 customers.Think about the cost of capital, distribution network, service network and all the other fixed costs needed to server hundred million customers.
A business’ strategy is to decide which segment they want to serve and what customer job they want to position their product for. Because segmentation and positioning determines price and hence profit.
The goal of business is not gain 100% market share but make profit in the most efficient and least capital intensive way. You do not have to serve every segment and every customer job."
Trecho retirado de "Those Who Know Segment and the Rest Chase Market Share"

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