sexta-feira, dezembro 13, 2013

O Estranhistão está-nos na massa do sangue

Se isto é verdade, "Dear Santa: Consumers Prefer DIY Products":
"Consumers value a product more highly when they make it themselves—but only if the assembly procedure is structured in a way that allows them to make creative decisions throughout the process."
O artigo é sobre coisas que compramos e que depois montamos:
"A new study suggests that under the right conditions, consumers value a product more when they have customized and assembled it themselves. But this DIY favorability boost arises only when the assembly procedure emphasizes consumers’ autonomous, real-time decision making; when companies present the project as a long list of chores to be completed, consumers become daunted by the effort required and actually place a lower monetary value on the product." 
Sendo assim, o que esperar da venda de produtos fabricados de raiz numa printer 3D, DIY de raiz?

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