terça-feira, novembro 12, 2013

O fim do modelo económico do século XX

Um artigo que parece retirado deste blogue, "It’s the end of Walmart—and mass-market retail—as you know it":
"For a long time, having the best supply chain was enough. This is how Walmart became the powerhouse retailer it is: by building the largest, broadest, most efficient system for moving products across the United States.
Now those techniques have timed out, too. (Moi ici: O fim do modelo económico do século XX) We already know that 3D printing and robotic manufacturing technology can overtake centralized production. But the difference here is that a single company might not emerge to capitalize on these technologies (Moi ici: A democratização da produção, a ascensão da cultura indy, a explosão de variedade, o fim do poder das empresas grandes que apostam na escala e volume) the way singular brands like Walmart and Amazon have in the past. Instead, we are now entering the primacy of design. (Moi ici: A ascensão do design como a moeda-forte do futuro)
(Moi ici: O que se segue é tão a visão deste blogue para o futuro do mundo económico, o Estranhistão) 3D printing, together with steady advances in robotics, is making it increasingly plausible to create smaller, more nimble production houses, which are more widely distributed closer to buyers. This shift in the distribution of manufacture means that those giant supply chains Walmart invested so heavily in are suddenly becoming obsolete....
 It’s a kind of inverse instance of the laws Ronald Coase (Moi ici: A terceira ou quarta vez que se escreve aqui sobre o fim do modelo de Coase neste blogue nos últimos dias) described as part of his 1991 Nobel-prize winning work, which stated that large corporations exist to utilize advantages of scale in transaction costs.
The upshot of this is the very beginning of exponential growth in which design creates rapid-adoption online meritocracies, with the most popular designs enjoying widespread appeal and ready mimicry."
Mongo, Estranhistão, prosumers, democratização da produção, indy...

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