quarta-feira, junho 19, 2013

E Mongo continua

Parece que a realidade continua a brindar-nos com exemplos ou com previsões sobre a integração de Mongo no nosso dia-a-dia:
"What will global manufacturing look like five years from now?.
The future of manufacturing in one word is “connected.”
More Connected to Customers & Local Markets: As consumers demand more customization, markets will be micro-segmented and competition will intensify. Having the capabilities to manufacture and deliver the right product at the right time to the right place will become an even greater driver of competitive advantage. Additionally, labor rates in low-cost countries will go up, logistics costs will increase and energy costs will drop in some regions. All this will drive the regionalization of manufacturing near large centers of consumer demand (Moi ici: Chamem-me bruxo! Por que é que tanta gente com acesso aos media tradicionais no nosso país não falam desta oportunidade - proximidade; flexibilidade; customização; interacção) such as North America, Europe and Southeast Asia.
"What will global manufacturing look like five years from now?.
The migration of high volume, relatively simple, high labor content, low cost to produce and ship products, which do not need to be delivered instantaneously, will continue to chase low labor cost locations in the developing, and even underdeveloped, parts of the world. On the other hand, “one-off” or very low volume, more complex, more challenging to produce and much more expensive to ship products, will be produced closer to their ultimate end customer."
Intriga-me é encontrar tantas opiniões ainda tão enformadas no paradigma do século XX. Por exemplo, de uma pessoa que muito considero, é triste ler:
"Manufacturing facilities will come to resemble one another even more than they do now. Companies with multiple facilities will seek similarity across countries in order to be able to shift production quickly as demand shifts and to monitor them centrally to ensure that they meet the same standards." 
Quase exactamente o oposto do que penso que vai acontecer...
Esta matriz:
 diz-me que em Mongo, porque vou ter produções mais pequenas e diferentes, porque vou assistir a uma explosão na variedade da oferta, vou ter unidades produtivas flexíveis. E recordo também Ghemawat e a conclusão acerca da importância da variabilidade inter-regional.

Trechos retirados daqui.

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