domingo, maio 05, 2013

Acerca da estratégia

" “the core idea of strategy is to provide an overarching view on how a particular company is going to succeed in the marketplace.”
strategy is really a “mindset” that views “business life as not entirely random; stochastic but not random. While it may be absolutely necessary to revisit and revise choices more often than convenient, the assumption holds that effortful, determined, revisable strategy is better than simply letting happen whatever will happen.”
Strategy is about trying to take control and trying to win. Strategy is about trying to predict the future or at least enough of that future that will give you a competitive advantage. Strategy is about being specific. It is about helping you get from A to C by doing B. It’s about putting your cards on the table, placing your bets.
More than choosing what to do, it is about choosing what NOT to do. Because today, more than ever, there are far more things that you could do — but shouldn’t. These things distract and create complexity. They take valuable time and resources away from what really matters. Strategy is about understanding what really matters and acting on it.
strategy is about answering the following questions:
  • What business or businesses should you be in?
  • How do you add value to your businesses?
  • Who are the target customers for your businesses?
  • What are your value propositions to those target customers?
  • What capabilities are essential to adding value to your businesses and differentiating their value propositions?"

Trechos retirados de "How Do You Know You Do Not Have a Strategy?"

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