domingo, março 03, 2013

Imaginem um governo a torrar dinheiro ...

"A problem for every bricks-and-mortar retailer is internet retail, which went from $45bn to $225bn, or more than 6 per cent of all US retail, between 2002 and 2012. Meanwhile, data from CoStar Realty show that during that decade US retail space grew 13 per cent, or about 1.9bn sq ft. Traditional retailers are hurting. A lot of stores will have to be shuttered before the pain stops."
BTW, imaginem um governo a torrar dinheiro dos contribuintes para suportar uma indústria sobre-dimensionada e alicerçada num modelo de negócio tornado obsoleto pela tecnologia... à espera da retoma.

Trecho retirado de "US retail: shutters are poised"

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