sábado, fevereiro 09, 2013

Histórias e narrativas, não especificações

Actualmente, durante o meu jogging, ando a ouvir "Buyology" de Martin Lindstrom.
No 2º capítulo o autor aborda o "product placement" usando o exemplo do investimento que a Coca-Cola, a Cingular e a Ford fizeram no programa "American Idol".
A conclusão a que se chega, recorrendo aos estudos de neuromarketing, é que a publicidade despejada nos intervalos do programa, desligada da narrativa, não tem efeito. Já a publicidade que se insere na narrativa do programa é bem sucedida.
Periodicamente volto ao blog "Presentation Zen" de Garr Reynolds para continuar a aprender. Recentemente Garr publicou o postal "To live is to have a story to tell":
""All drama is conflict. Without conflict, you have no action; without action, you have no character; without character, you have no story; and without story, you have no screenplay." To live is to have a story to tell. Whether you decide to share your story (stories) with others is another matter.
"If you write a screenplay without conflict or crisis, you'll bore your audience to tears." We can apply the spirit of this to the world of multimedia presentations as well. You do not have to create material to rival Citizen Kane, but your message can be communicated much better if you identify the conflict and the journey to resolve the conflict while making it clear why your audience should care."
Entretanto neste postal "What can we learn about sales from this grandma?" encontro mais estas peças para o puzzle:
"The most powerful weapon is to move somebody emotionally. So if you send out a signal as love, you will receive the same signal back.
“You have to know the inside of people, rather than the outside of people. You’ve got to know their hearts.”"
Outras peças em "5 Insights from the Switch Workshop":
"#2: Ignore Your ProductFind the story..
The customer interview is meant to illuminate essential moments that led up to the hiring or firing of your product. During this process, you try to gather as much detail surrounding these events. In the case of a physical product, this may mean specifics around purchasing the item at a local store, or the unboxing at home.
A word of warning, the natural gravity is to delve into details about your offering, trying to tease out the role your pet features play in the switch. This is a trap. Avoid asking about product details. We are trying to understand the circumstances of the switching behavior. It is never about rational comparison of megapixels, prices, or spare parts availability.
#3: Follow the EnergyPassion is value..
In the course of the discussion, you must become adept at tuning into energy. What topics make your customer lean forward in their chair? Are there areas of their story where their voice becomes louder? What people or places are they talking about when they become most animated."
E ainda mais umas peças em "My Service Is Perfect. It’s Those Incompetent Customers that Are the Problem!":
"The point of this illustration is to change the focus of the company from its proposed solution to the customer job-to-be-done and to recognize that company offerings do not create value until they are combined with other resources and customer competencies. In other words, the company’s goal is not to create an elegant offering independent of considerations of the customer’s role in value creation. Rather, it is to create offerings that help the customer to get a job done in given contexts with full appreciation of the other resources and competencies required to succeed." 
Por que é um cliente, numa dada circunstância da sua vida, há-de contratar um produto da sua empresa para incorporar na sua vida?
O cliente não quer saber da sua empresa e do seu produto para nada. O cliente tem um problema e precisa de o resolver, a sua  empresa tem um recurso que ele pode utilizar para resolver esse problema. Qual é esse problema? Qual o papel desse problema na sua vida? Que importância dá ao problema? Que experiências estão associadas ao resultado de resolver esse problema? E que experiências estão associadas ao resultado de não resolver esse problema?

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