sexta-feira, agosto 24, 2012

Mass ennui is defeated by focused passion every time

Para os que só acreditam, ou só conhecem a competição pelo volume, pela massa, pela quantidade, pelo preço mais baixo, nunca esquecer, Seth Godin é um bom ponto de partida para passar a ver o mundo de uma forma diferente... e mais optimista:
"The easiest way to become #1 is to redefine your focus and the way you serve your customers sufficiently that you redefine the market. Harley Davidson isn't #1 in the market for motorcycles, but they are certainly #1 in the market for the kind of motorcycle that they sell. The other bikes may have two wheels, but they're for different customers with different needs.
Mass ennui is defeated by focused passion every time."
Trecho retirado de "#1 in a small market..."

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