terça-feira, fevereiro 21, 2012

Marketing em Mongo

"This is the rise of the Long Tail (Moi ici: Mongo) consumer. Along with the fragmentation of markets is coming the fragmentation of marketing. One-size-fits-all ads on broadcast media no longer influence consumers who aren’t watching that media or responding to messages that aren’t really aimed at them. In the inversion of power that has accompanied the rise of the user-driven Web—individuals trusted more, institutions trusted less—the most effective messaging comes from peers. Nothing beats word of mouth, and as we’ve seen, the Web is the greatest wordof-mouth amplifier the world has ever seen.
The problem with fragmented markets and one-size-fits-one consumers is that there are, well, a lot of them. No company can create enough targeted messages to suit every potential niche where there might be demand for what they sell. And the best way to do something even close to that, Google’s targeted placement of text ads next to relevant content, is limited to text and stigmatized by being displayed under the “sponsored links” header.
Instead, the best way to market to Long Tail consumers is to find out who is influencing them and focus your energies there. That starts with doing less messaging and more listening."
Ainda ontem numa empresa falávamos disto, de nichos, de micro-marcas, e flanquear marcas incumbentes ... mais uma vez, qual o truque por detrás do sucesso da Chobani?
"from a communications point of view, word of mouth- not just digital but also family-to-family helped spread the word as the Chobani distribution in turn moved from regional to national."
"Chobani's success comes despite the product's hefty price tag, double that of many competitors."

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