sexta-feira, novembro 25, 2011

Tudo é serviço (parte II)

Parte I.
Oportuna reflexão de Irene Ng em "Dematerialisation & Density: The Value of Things in context":
"We hear it all the time and I've certainly said it again and again. Value comes from use, value is in context but why is it we still hear firms talking about value as the money they get for their things, and we still hear how they firms 'add value' as though the things in themselves have value?
THINGS HAVE NO VALUE IN THEMSELVES. repeat after me. ok. (Moi ici: O marxianismo entranhado em todos nós é que nos faz querer que trabalho traduzido em objectos é valor... estão a imaginar aquele inventário tremendo que tantas empresas mantêm... pode ter um valor contabilístico, mas aos olhos dos potenciais clientes?) then you go back to business and start talking about getting more value from the things, keeping the factories open, keeping the jobs coming in and you have forgotten what you said. so let me join the dots for you.
THINGS HAVE VALUE BECAUSE YOU IMAGINE IT'S USE. so basically, its not the thing you value, its what you THINK the thing is going to do in your life.
so.....WHEN YOU IMAGINE ITS USE, YOU IMAGINE THE CONTEXT. so not only do you think about what the thing is doing in your life, you had an imagined scope of where and how and when the thing is used for (the context). that's why you think the thing is good. you are really thinking thing-in-context is good, which you believe means the same thing (wrong) (Moi ici: Vou tentar ajudar um empresário que pensa desta maneira mas que tem uma equipa comercial que não percebe a ideia, que foi educada a vender produto e tem dificuldade em em pôr o produto em 2º plano e começar pelo contexto do potencial cliente. Ou seja, criar personas ( aqui e aqui) que representem grupos de clientes-alvo, identificar as suas aspirações, as experiências que procuram e querem integrar na sua vida. Depois, em função disso, desenvolver os argumentos que relacionam as personas com os produtos mais adequados à sua vida. O ponto de partida é o contexto, a situação, a vida da persona. Ver nota 1, Ver nota 2)
YOU IMAGINE THE CONTEXT IS CONSTANT BECAUSE THE THING IS CONSTANT. yup, so when you buy an iPad, the iPad doesn't change its form, get moody, or become a different iPad at different times so you believe the context of use can stay the same when you buy the iPad, you are thinking about lying in bed, reading. when you're thinking of buying that apple, you are thinking about eating it in the next hour, the toaster and the warm toast etc. etc. etc. so when you're buying something, you're actually evaluating the value of the THING thinking that it is a THING-IN-CONTEXT
here's the bad news, firms don't manufacture context. they manufacture things. (Moi ici: Queremos, temos de tornar esta afirmação falsa. Temos, como tão bem escreveu Dave Gray há dias, de pensar no produto como um avatar do serviço. O produto, como escrevo há n tempo aqui, tem de ser uma desculpa, um pretexto para a criação de uma relação com um cliente)
and the good news? YOU 'manufacture' the context. and then magically, they come together and it is good. .
that's co-creation for you.
so... for all those who really want to know what is value, how it's created and why people buy at higher or lower prices etc...........IT'S THE CONTEXT S****D....."
Nota 1: "The first imperative is to put people at the heart of services. If we try to produce a service without the participation of the customer it cannot either satisfy that customer or achieve its potential. We must find ways to re-engage people in the services they use. ... In order to put people at the heart of services we need to know who they are. We need to listen to them and gain accurate information that helps us give them what they need, when they need it. Organisations across the spectrum have the potential to personalise services and to create huge benefits for themselves and their customers."
Nota 2: "The Way of Marketing in an Experience Economy" e "CHANGE. The Way of Marketing in an Experience Economy", por todo o lado, a base para a definição da proposta de valor é a experiência, não o produto.
Nota 3: "Do You Really Want Fries With That? How to Find a Customer Service Perfect Match" Sem formação, como pretender que as pessoas que estão na categoria 2 e 3 actuem, pensem, imaginem, cenários ganhar-ganhar?

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