segunda-feira, outubro 17, 2011

Acerca da estratégia das organizações

"Probably the most important element of strategy formation is a realistic perspective on what strategy can accomplish. We often elevate strategy to the realm of the mystic; a secret sauce or magic bag of jellybeans that can sweep away the inconveniences of everyday business life. Strategy should service execution not the other way around.
Having had the opportunity to run a multiplicity of businesses in a variety of market settings, I have come to the firm conclusion that at any given point there are several viable strategies that an organization can pursue. There is no one true path to success. (Moi ici: Como demonstram os mundos simulados de Christian Lingren, como o demonstram as experiências com protozoários, como o demonstram o ressurgimento de indústrias tradicionais nos países das economias desenvolvidas com mão-de-obra cara, como o demonstram a convivência a diferentes propostas de valor e de diferentes modelos de negócio dentro de um mesmo sector de actividade)
What’s really important, crucial in fact, is that the strategy is parsimonious enough to be clear, well articulated and bought into by key stakeholders. A good strategy puts objectives first and motivates the organization to find innovative ways to achieve them. (Moi ici: Daí que acredite que uma boa estratégia começa pelo fim, começa pelo futuro desejado, começa pelo ponto de chegada. Por isso, gostava do anúncio da Microsoft nos anos 90: "Where do you want to go today?")
Strategy is a blueprint. It’s the craftsmen that create the sublime."
Trechos retirado de "What is strategy?"

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