terça-feira, junho 07, 2011

Service-dominant logic (parte V)

Continuado daqui:
Um excelente artigo como introdução ao service-dominant logic, "The Service-Dominant Mindset" de Robert Lusch e Stephen Vargo:
"“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” [Peter Drucker]
Yesterday’s logic, which continues to linger, focused on separating the producer from the consumer. This was done for maximum production control, efficiency and profit maximization and usually accomplished by standardizing the product and producing it away from the market. In contrast, the emerging service-dominant logic is focused on the interaction of the producer and the consumer and other supply and value network partners as they co-create value through collaborative processes. This new logic is being referred to as service-dominant (S-D)."
Uma das mudanças de paradigma é a ênfase no serviço em detrimento do produto puro e duro. Melhor seria dizer, a ênfase na experiência... engraçado como voltamos a Levitt e ao seu artigo de 1960 "A Miopia do Marketing" :
"When a firm sees itself primarily as a manufacturer with an implied purpose of selling what it makes, it sees the key to  making more money as selling more goods. There is little or no logic in selling fewer goods--why should Volkswagen want to sell fewer cars or Dow to sell fewer chemicals? In contrast, the service-dominant logic suggests that since these goods are actually mechanisms for service provision, the customer is always buying a service flow rather than a tangible thing, and thus the firm should focus on selling a flow of service. (Moi ici: E por que não "The firm should focus on selling a flow of experiences", concentração na vida dos clientes-alvo) This would encourage it to determine the optimal configuration of goods, if any, for a level of service, the optimal organization or network configuration to maintain the service, and the optimal payment mechanism in exchange for providing the service. That is, the organization is encouraged to think about the service system. Tangible resources that are part of our ecosystem can also be viewed in terms of service provision."
Outra mudança assenta na transição dos tangíveis para os intangíveis:
"In a service-dominant world, it is central to understanding: exchange is fundamentally, primarily about the intangible rather than the tangible.
The shift from the tangible to the intangible also focuses the organization on the solution that the customer is seeking.
When the focus becomes the solution and the intangible, what firms learn is that the tangible content cost of their product becomes smaller and smaller and the brand rises in value and importance." (Moi ici: Em linha com esta explicação "Quanto mais competitivas as empresas, menor o peso dos salários nos custos totais... será porque as pessoas ganham menos? Ou será porque além do custo dos tangíveis também se somam mais custos dos intangíveis?". E recordar com algum terror a implicação do gráfico do primeiro postal em que escrevi sobre Rosiello... OMG!!! A implicação para o nosso país da fracção do PIB que é consumida pelos salários ser tão elevada)
Outra mudança passa pela crescente simetria de informação:
"Service-dominant logic suggests that all exchanges should be symmetric. A focus on symmetric information and treatment implies: (1) one does not mislead customers, employees or partners by not sharing relevant information that could enable them to make better and more informed choices, and (2) all exchange or trading partners are treated equitably."
Outra mudança assenta no abandono da propaganda e na concentração na relação, num convite:
"Advertising, at least as normally practiced, has tended to be propagandistic. Since its purpose is to sell the advertiser’s products, it typically advocates the views and perspective of that advertiser, the seller, and thus, is one-sided and favorably biased. While this is not necessarily bad, buyers now have access to more and more information, causing them to turn away from communications that appear to be inaccurate, abusive, intrusive or overly one-sided.
Service-dominant logic argues that communication should be characterized by conversation and dialog."
As empresas só podem oferecer propostas de valor, porque as empresas não criam valor, as empresas disponibilizam plataformas que facilitam ao cliente que experiencie valor:
"This idea that value is something determined by the customer implies that the firm can only make an offer of value creation through the application of its resources to some need of the customer—that is, through service. Thus, the firm can only make a value proposition and then, if it is accepted, value is co-created in concert with the customer."
"Service-dominant logic is inherently relational, partly because it implies that parties co-create value."
E uma outra forma de olhar para o desempenho financeiro... sempre a usamos aqui:
"Profit maximization is not in the vocabulary of service-dominant logic. Service-dominant logic views business and marketing as an on-going stream of social and economic processes in which firms continually generate and test hypotheses. Firms learn from financial outcomes (Moi ici: Como costumo dizer, os resultados financeiros são o teste do ácido) as they attempt to better serve customers and obtain cash flows for the firm. Service-dominant logic embraces market and customer orientation and a learning orientation. Therefore, financial success is not just an end in itself but an important form of marketplace feedback about the fulfillment of value propositions.
Thus, price paid, profits and cash flow are important signals (though not the only signals) to the firm regarding the extent to which it is serving and meeting customer needs."

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