quinta-feira, abril 14, 2011

Um cheirinho de alemão...

"More than 80% of the Top Managers in the German speaking countries stated in a recent Top Management Survey that their company is pursuing a clearly defined growth strategy.
But then again, in the vast majority of today's industries supply is exceeding demand. This fact and the desire of most companies for continuous growth results in an unprecedented increase of the intensity of competition, leading to hyper competition, price wars and a commoditization of offers, products and services - and finally to more or less standardized, dominant business models in many industries.
The basic question is: how can companies grow within such a competitive environment? One way is to supplant the competitors by trying to win the price war. (Moi ici: Receita da velha academia, não conhece outra. Aposta em activos tangíveis. Máquinas maiores, mais rápidas, com menos operadores, mais eficientes, ...) Another possibility (Moi ici: O caminho menos percorrido) - which probably generates more value in the long run - is to create new, differentiated businesses that initially bypass competition. New businesses marketing new offers and creating new markets render competition - at least for a while - irrelevant."
Somos todos alemães!!!
Trecho retirado de "Strategic Innovation: Building New Growth Businesses" de Michael Moeller, Cornelia Stolla e Alexander Doujak.

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