terça-feira, março 15, 2011

Será que vai resultar?

"Legacy is the mortar of successful, lasting brands. I’ve known this since my days in retail. There was one year where I found out that a customer in Westchester, New York, hadn’t received her case of White Zinfandel. It was December 22 and there was no way FedEx was going to deliver the wine in time for Christmas. My ordering department had received the complaint, but because the customer was neither a regular nor the order particularly large, they hadn’t brought it to my attention. By the time I got wind of the problem there was only one thing left to do. I threw a case of White Zinfandel in my car and drove three hours in blinding snow to the woman’s house. Did I mention that she lived in another state? That it was our busiest time of the year? That my time was much more valuable in the store during those six round-trip hours? And believe me, there was no angle. The customer was an older woman who lived far away and wasn’t about to start hosting a lot of parties and using us as her exclusive wine supplier.
Yet I knew that it was up to me to set the tone at the store, and that this was a perfect way to do it. Our corporate culture was cemented the day I delivered the case of wine to that woman."
Trecho retirado de "Crush It" de Gary Vaynerchuk, do capítulo "Legacy is Greater than Currency".
São estas acções que constroem uma cultura, que moldam um legado.
Num projecto em que estou envolvido, estou a desenhar um conjunto de guiões para que a Gestão de Topo execute, demonstre, dê o exemplo na criação de uma nova cultura, de um novo legado.
Não chega dar uma acção de sensibilização e esperar que a Gestão de Topo mude. Vamos testar a criação de guiões pessoais com directivas claras sobre o que fazer e com que frequência.
Os colaboradores, o que vêem são as acções, sem conhecerem o guião. Será que vai resultar?

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