terça-feira, fevereiro 01, 2011

Para reflectir sobre o que é uma missão

Ter uma missão a cumprir, sentir uma causa, é muito mais do que uma declaração de missão.
Uma interessante reflexão sobre o tema neste artigo "Do You Have a Mission Statement, or Are You on a Mission?":
"A person or organization on a mission is inspiring. A mission statement is an abstraction. Add to this disadvantage the fact that most mission-statement writing is an exercise in compromise and equivocation, and now you've really depressed people."
"The point is, don't put mission statements first. Get on a mission, and the other things will follow. Including the mission statement."
"Don't waste your advertising space on your mission statement. Use the space to tell people what you've accomplished, or what amazing thing your product will do — use it to show them what mission you're actually on.
And if you notice that you or your organization spends an inordinate amount of time talking about how to talk about what it does, then maybe it isn't sure what it does — and some serious soul-searching is in order. Maybe "messaging" has become a distraction. Perhaps there's some daring goal out there with your name on it that you're avoiding for fear of failure. But better to fail — mission-statement-less — at some audacious mission, than to have your mission statement all in order while risking nothing."

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