sábado, dezembro 04, 2010

A essência deste blogue

"Once you've defined who your primary customer is, you must ensure that you and everyone in your business understand what that customer values. Some customers value low price, others value customized service, while others value world-class technology. Everyone in your company should be aware of, and dedicated to, those preferences.
Figuring out what your customer values has become more important as business are expanding around the globe.
Choosing a primary customer and understanding what that customer values is important not only for consumer companies, but also for industrial firms.
Sometimes, managers go as far as creating a cardboard cutout of a fictional customer and putting it at the head of the table as they discuss product attributtes. (Moi ici: Como no caso da Electrolux)
Now for the main point of this chapter. Once you have chosen your primary customer and understood their needs, you must ensure that the bulk of your company's resources is dedicated to one thing and one thing only: providing what your primary customer values. (Moi ici: Isto é a essência deste blogue: concentrar, alinhar, sintonizar) If your business is not deploying resources in a way that maximizes the benefits your customer seeks, someone else will.
You should wake up every morning (Moi ici: Por isso usei a imagem do desfazer a barba.) terrified with your sheets drenched in sweat, but not because you're afraid of your competitors. Be afraid of your customers because those are the folks who have the money.
This prompts another - and vitally important - follow-up question: How have you organized to deliver maximum value to your customer?
Your answer will depend, of course, on the needs of your primary customer. Different customers require different organizations designs.
Different firms make different choices about how to organize resources to best serve their specific customer needs."
Trechos retirados do livro "Seven Strategy Questions - A Simple Approach For Better Execution" de Robert Simons.

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