quinta-feira, outubro 14, 2010

Diferentes clientes precisam de diferentes abordagens e diferentes pessoas

Mais uma defesa da tese, não misturar propostas de valor na mesma unidade de negócio.
Não misturar diferentes clientes-alvo a serem servidos pelas mesmas pessoas... vai dar problemas.
"Many accounts of similar patterns in corporate life suggest that what Blockbuster should have done was taken out a corporate insurance policy. Rather than trying to bridge the divide, Blockbuster should have set up a new division that ignored the past and focused only on the future. Of course, in this case, it would be doing no more than its newcomer competitors. Furthermore, where are the future profits in such head-to-head competition? Indeed, do it well and you improve the new product generation in a way that accelerates the decline in the old. That seems like all cost to the corporate bottom line with no gain."
Trecho retirado de "When Your Customers Leave Your Business Model Behind"

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