domingo, agosto 15, 2010

"Yes, You Can Change The Future, But Only By Changing The Present" (parte II)

Parte I.
Depois de ter escrito o texto da parte I, ontem à tarde, descobri uma série de textos sobre a futurização e a capacidade de perceber para onde vai o mundo.
Primeiro quero recordar um trecho que povoa a minha mente fresco e actual como quando o li em 2007 e que transcrevi para este postal:
Este postal "Strategy Starts With Identifying Changes" de onde recolhi:
"The purpose of crafting strategy is not to create a detailed plan for where the company is headed 5-10 years into the future: in today’s fast moving environment, it is impossible to predict that far into the future. The objective of strategy work should be focused around learning by shaping strategy moment by moment, day by day as companies learn from their customers and their competitive environment.
What’s needed is real-time vision, where the strategy cycle starts when someone sees something that others haven’t noticed and quickly translates that insight into action."
"Cultural shifts create long terms evolutionary changes. Cultural shifts, changes in habits, technologies that slowly obsolete a product or a system are the ones that change our lives. Watch for shifts in systems and processes and expectations. That's what makes change, not big events.
Don't worry about what happened yesterday (or five minutes ago). Focus on what happened ten years ago and think about what you can do that will make a huge impact in six months. The breaking news mindset isn't just annoying, it may be distracting you from what really matters. As the world gets faster, it turns out that the glacial changes of years and decades are become more important, not less."
A futurização não se destina a acertar, querer acertar é ser arrogante, é querer ser habitante do Olimpo, é não perceber que o mais importante não é a certeza mas a acção e o que daí advém, como descreve este poético trecho:
"strategic plans function a lot like maps in which the crucial factor is not the map (or strategy) but the fact that you have something which will get you started on a path to the future. Once people begin to act (enactment), they generate tangible outcomes (cues) in some context (social) and that helps them discover (retrospect) what is occurring (ongoing), what needs to be explained (plausibility) and what should be done next (identity enhancement)."

"Leadership as the Enabler of Strategizing and Organizing" de Ian Colville e Anthony Murphy, publicado na revista "Long Range Planning" em 2006 (pp. 667-677).
São as pequenas mudanças que ocorrem no dia a dia, que passam despercebidas, que estão a mudar o mundo de forma acelerada, bottom-up!
Outra reflexão sobre esta mudança em curso, suportada nos anónimos deste mundo, passa pela entrevista daqui "Which Part of Your Business Model is Creating Value?" Bottom-up, bottom-up, sempre bottom-up.

1 comentário:

lookingforjohn disse...

Pensamento Estratégico.
Jeanne Liedtka.

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