quarta-feira, julho 21, 2010

Estratégia e modelo de negócio

Fala-se muito de modelos de negócio, um conceito interessante.
Receio, posso estar enganado, que se fale pouco da estratégia por detrás de um modelo de negócio.
David Teece em "Business Models, Business Strategy and Innovation" e publicado na Long Range Planning 43 (2010) chama a atenção para o tema:
"Business model choices define the architecture of the business, and expansion paths develop from there on out.
innovating with business models will not, by itself, build enterprise-level competitive advantage.
However, newbusinessmodels, or refinements to existing ones, like newproducts themselves, often result in lower cost or increased value to the consumer; if not easily replicated by competitors, they can provide an opportunity to generate higher returns to the pioneer, at least until their novel features are copied. These issues are summarized in Figure 2."

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