sábado, junho 12, 2010

Lidar com as prateleiras

Para terminar a minha leitura do livro de Neil Rackham "Rethinking the Sales Force - Redefining Selling to Create and Capture Customer value" escrito em 1999... 1999!!!
Destaco este trecho sobre o papel e a importância dos canais de distribuição, os "donos das prateleiras":
"Most suppliers will need to change their thinking about channels in some very fundamental ways. First of all, suppliers have historically thought about the value channels created for thembut seldom about the value created for customers.
This does not mean that value to suppliers isn't important - just that it's no longer enough. Success in the future is going to require thinking much more about value both to end users and to the channel players themselves.
In addition to focusing on value for the customer, suppliers need to rethink their role in ensuring channel performance, especially when it comes to intermediary channels - those that are not supplier owned. One of the major mistakes most suppliers make is to treat intermediary channels as self-managing and to assume that the channel doesn't need the management time and attention that it would get if it were a direct, owned sales force.
As a result of this logic, many suppliers focus little or no attention on how the agent or franchisee is running the business. When there are supplier's people devoted to the channel, they are usually spread very thinly, and they tend to view their role as "relationship management""
Escrito em 1999... o que é que as marcas fizeram?

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