sexta-feira, fevereiro 05, 2010

Identificação das partes interessadas (parte II)

Continuado daqui.
Quando facilito o exercício de formulação de uma estratégia numa empresa começo pela identificação de quem são os clientes-alvo e de qual o seu retrato-tipo.
Quando se procura fazer o mesmo tipo de exercício numa organização sem fins lucrativos o desafio passa a ser o de identificar e caracterizar um universo mais alargado, pegajoso e gelatinoso, as partes interessadas.
Este artigo de John Bryson "What To Do When Stakeholders Matter" é uma grande ajuda, facultando uma série de ferramentas e técnicas que permitem identificar as várias partes interessadas e traçar o seu perfil.
Sobre os clientes chamo a atenção para o perigo de falar deles como uma entidade vaga, genérica, uma espécie de guarda-chuva geral que, qual Arca de Noé, reúne tudo e todos. Por isso, falo de clientes-alvo. Sobre as partes interessadas, Bryson fala de partes interessadas-alvo:
Attention to stakeholders is important throughout the strategic management process because 'success' for public organizations -and certainly survival -depends on satisfying key stakeholders according to their definition of what is valuable. As Rainey argues, 'Public agencies are born of and live by satisfying interests that are sufficiently influential to maintain the agencies' political legitimacy and the resources that come with it'. If key stakeholders are not satisfied, at least minimally, according to their criteria for satisfaction, the normal expectation should be that something will change -' for example, budgets will be cut, elected or appointed officials will lose their job, new initiatives will be undermined, and so on.”

“Note that what is being said does not imply that all possible stakeholders should be satisfied, or involved, or otherwise wholly taken into account, only that the key stakeholders must be, and that the choice of which stakeholders are key is inherently political (Moi ici: A decisão estratégica por excelência!!! Os alicerces do edifício estratégico assentam nesta escolha. Tudo o resto decorre dessa opção, tudo o resto são consequências dessa escolha inicial), has ethical consequences and involves judgment.

Because attention to stakeholders is so important, stakeholder analyses become important. If they can help public organizations better fulfill their purposes, then there is much to commend them. Specifically, stakeholder analyses should be undertaken because they .can make important contributions to creating value through their impact on the functions or activities of strategic management. Said differently, I would hypothesize that strategic management processes that employ a reasonable number of competently done stakeholder analyses are more likely to be successful -that is, meet mandates, fulfiII missions and create public value- than those that do not. At a minimum, stakeholder analyses should help public managers figure out who the key stakeholders are and what would satisfy them. Ideally, the analyses will help reveal how ways of satisfying those key stakeholders will also create public value and advance the common good.”"

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