quarta-feira, novembro 25, 2009

Folhas na corrente (parte V)

Regis McKena publicou o artigo "Marketing in an Age of Diversity" na revista Harvard Business Review em Setembro-Outubro de 1988.
Defendo a tese de que o que aconteceu nessa altura nos EUA é equivalente ao que nos tem acontecido em Portugal na última década.
Pois bem, McKenna apresenta esta figura:
Entre 1981 e 1987 o número médio de produtos apresentados nas prateleiras dos supermercados americanos subiu 60%.
"manufacturers are making more and more high-quality products in smaller and smaller batches; today 75% of all machined parts are produced in batches of 50 or fewer.
Consumers demand - and get - more variety and options in all kinds of products, from cars to clothes.
In trying to respond to the new demands of a diverse market, the problem ... is not fundamental change, not a total turnabout in what an entire nation of consumers wants. Rather, it is the fracturing of mass markets. To contend with diversity, managers must drastically alter how they design, manufacture, market, and sell their products."
"Customization by users as flexible manufacturing makes niche production every bit as economic as mass production.
Changing leverage criteria as economies of scale give way to economies of knowledge - knowledge of the customer's business, of current and likely future technology trends, and of the competitive environment that allows the rapid development of new products and services.
Changing company structure as large corporations continue to downsize to compete with smaller niche players that nibble at their markets.
Smaller wins - fewer chances for gigantic wins in mass markets, but more opportunities for healthy profits in smaller markets."
As multinacionais que já partiram e a Rhode, estavam concebidas para um paradigma que desapareceu e quanto mais pouparmos ou amortecermos o choque com a realidade... atrasamos a chegada do futuro e desviamos recursos para apoiar o passado... num esforço inglório que não evita o dia do julgamento final.

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