quarta-feira, novembro 11, 2009

Estratégia e organização produtiva

"Technology, competition, and social change have brought serious problems for manufacturing. Further technological and social changes will take place and, in combination with the natural competitive processes, will, I believe, continue to force an accelerating evolution in the factory.
Mass production as we have known it is an outmoded concept. (Moi ici: Tanta gente a precisar de atingir isto, de perceber o sentido e significado desta afirmação. Não basta produzir, produzir, produzir... é preciso ir à procura da originação de valor.)Changes in production management are essential. The corporations and managers that lead in bringing about changes in manufacturing management will gain an important competitive advantage."
When companies fail to recognize the relationship between manufacturing decisions and corporate strategy, they may become saddled with seriously noncompetitive production systems that are expensive and time-consuming to change.
The mistake of considering low costs and high efficiencies as the key manufacturing objective ... is typical of the oversimplified concept of "a good manufacturing operation." Such criteria frequently get companies into trouble, or at least do not aid in the development of manufacturing into a competitive weapon. Manufacturing affects corporate strategy, and corporate strategy affects manufacturing. Even in an apparently routine operating area such as a production scheduling system, strategic considerations should outweigh technical and conventional industrial engineering factors invoked in the name of "productivity." (Moi ici: strategic considerations should outweigh technical and conventional industrial engineering factors. Só que isto pressupõe que exista uma estratégia... recordo logo aquela afirmação de Hill "the most important orders are the ones to which a company says 'no'." E quantas empresas têm definidos os seus clientes-alvo? A Lei de Gresham aplicada aos clientes.)
Trechos retirados de "Manufacturing in the Corporate Strategy" de Wickham Skinner."

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