quarta-feira, setembro 16, 2009

A propósito das rendas e das PPPs

Ronald Baker no seu livro “Pricing on Purpose – Creating and Capturing Value” chama a atenção:
"Where do profits come from?
The answers range from entrepreneurs and value to revenue minus expenses and customers. Nevertheless, the real answer is that profits come from risk . The word entrepreneur comes from the French word, entreprendre, meaning “to undertake.”

It is the basis for the English word enterprise. But not just entrepreneurs (or feminine, entrepreneuses) make profits; so do established enterprises.

When a business engages in innovation, it is taking a risk. In Italian, the word risk derives from risicare, which means “to dare,” which implies a choice, not a fate, as Peter L. Bernstein points out in his outstanding study of risk, Against the Odds. In other words, risk is an economic positive.
There are five responses when confronted with risk: avoid it, reduce it, transfer it, accept it, or increase it. In the final analysis, a business cannot eliminate risk, as that would eliminate profits. The goal is to take calculated risks and choose them wisely.

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