quinta-feira, agosto 20, 2009

Em busca de um novo paradigma de operação (parte V)

Nestes tempos, descritos na parte I, tempos ricos em incerteza, tempos que exigem flexibilidade, rapidez e capacidade de resposta é cada vez mais urgente equacionar programas de produção assentes no puxar (pull) do que empurrar (push).
"From push programs to pull platforms. In a world driven by efficient exploitation of relatively fixed knowledge stocks, scalable push programs became the best way to extract value from these stocks. Accurately forecast demand and make sure the right resources are in the right place at the right time to produce and deliver against the demand. If new knowledge creation through effective participation in a growing range of knowledge flows is the goal, push programs become an obstacle by enforcing routines and predictability. Scalable pull platforms become essential to ensure that participants distributed across a broad and diverse range of institutions can effectively access and attract resources when relevant to support their performance improvement initiatives."
"In a down economy, opt for demand-pull strategies that lead to inventory reductions" onde se pode ler:
"Yet some companies are making gains using demand-pull strategies to reduce finished goods inventory. While inventory turns in durable goods have lengthened over the last two to three years,"
"Pull Economies" onde se pode ler:
"Briefly put, a “push economy" – the familiar industry model of mass production – is based on anticipating consumer demand and then making sure that needed resources are brought together at the right place, at the right time, for the right people. A company in the “push" model forecasts demand, specifies in advance the necessary inputs, regiments production procedures, and then pushes the final product into the marketplace and the culture, using standardized distribution channels and marketing." e "The benefits of pull systems should by now be clear: enhanced innovation, increased opportunity for collaboration, closer relationships with customers and suppliers, more rapid feedback, richer reflection on the results of distributed experimentation, and greater scalability, for example. In our view, however, the essential reason to begin implementing pull systems is the fact that they help companies to secure deeper sources of competitive advantage at a time when the traditional sources are disappearing. Although a comprehensive exploration of the way big corporations can assemble pull systems is beyond the scope of this article, several areas of focus are worth highlighting."
Por isso, convido as empresas industriais a estudarem os sistemas de produção pull.
A última empresa industrial que auditei fez esta transição nos últimos três anos e tem atingido resultados impressivos. Por exemplo, o tempo médio de resposta a uma encomenda baixou para cerca de metade, a taxa de encomendas entregues no prazo combinado está quase nos 100%.

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