quarta-feira, julho 08, 2009

O papel das pequenas empresas (parte II)

Para um pequeno país como Portugal a solução para exportar não passa por reuniões no gabinete do ministro da economia para receber "instruções".
Um país pequeno com empresas pequenas não pode competir no negócio do preço/custo e da escala, tem de apostar no valor acrescentado, tem de apostar em nichos!
"a niche market can be defined as a “partial market,” or part of a larger market. A market is defined as a combination of supply and demand for a specific good or service. A partial market in this context is a segment of a market that, in theory, can be served by all suppliers equally.
However, these partial markets make it possible for individual suppliers to focus on specific segments. The following characteristics apply to niche companies:
  • The niche is formed or created by the company in relation to the market environment.
  • The underlying overall market is a critical reference, and the niche should be considered in connection with it.
  • The niche is small in comparison to the market as a whole. However, it still achieves an adequate sales volume to justify its unique approach and enjoys relevant and appropriate
    economies of scale.
  • Successful niche suppliers use specialization and focus on the niche to create growth platforms.
  • Dissatisfied clients play an important role in the creation and growth of niches. Niches have a protected position in some cases, which creates barriers to entry for other competitors."

No próximo episódio: Quais são os alicerces dos nichos estáveis, defensáveis e lucrativos? Como é que as empresas podem criar uma estratégia de nichos bem sucedida?

Trecho retirado de "BEATING THE GLOBAL CONSOLIDATION ENDGAME - Nine Strategies for Winning in Niches" de Fritz Kroeger, Andrej Vizjak e Michael Moriarty.

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