segunda-feira, julho 06, 2009

O papel das pequenas empresas (parte I)

"Perhaps when Hermann Simon’s book The Hidden Champions became a bestseller in the 1990s, this was a big boost for a lot of so-called niche players in Germany. The majority of the small and medium-sized German companies featured in the book were among the 20 percent of such companies that are scale leaders in small markets. It follows that 80 percent of small and medium-sized German companies are niche players that are in more or less strong competitive situations against their sector’s leaders. Given that this group accounts for 49 percent of Germany’s GDP and 70 percent of all jobs, the subject of niche businesses is a central topic for German macroeconomics, even though researchers have not actually acknowledged it as such."
Trecho retirado de "BEATING THE GLOBAL CONSOLIDATION ENDGAME - Nine Strategies for Winning in Niches" de Fritz Kroeger, Andrej Vizjak e Michael Moriarty.
Receio que o Diário Económico esteja a colocar a questão de uma forma incorrecta "PME e grandes empresas fazem parte da solução", sem uma palavra sobre se as empresas estão no sector de bens transaccionáveis ou não.
As grandes empresas, por norma, ou são portuguesas e estão no sector dos bens não transaccionáveis e estamos falados sobre tudo o que isso significa em termos de drenagem e sifonagem, ou são estrangeiras e estão cá por causa de mão-de-obra barata.

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