segunda-feira, maio 11, 2009

Offer far more for more

Volto ao segundo livro de Thomassen e Lincoln "How to Succed at Retail" por causa da citação de ontem de Seth Godin.
Recordo do livro este trecho directo ao assunto, sem falinhas mansas ou paninhos quentes:
"The only way you can truly make your brand consistently innovative is to offer far more for more. When you look at your own products innovations, do you really meet this objective?
Or are you just producing line extensions and calling them innovations?
As the head of a major Scandinavian retailer recently said to us: ‘I’m sick of brands coming here and saying they’ve been in the business for a hundred years and know everything there is to know. Here’s our new line extension flavour variant. Give us more shelf space. I don’t want this. I want innovation. I want food iPods.’
Yes, product development is difficult, but it is one of the most important ways for a brand to keep its position at retail level, and one of the only really consistent ways to avoid private label competition. Food brands in particular should be embracing the leading trends like health, food labelling and the environment and using them to distance themselves from the retailer brands. ... The future belongs to retailers and brands that proactively create wants – retailers and brands that are transforming boring consumption situations into highly motivating shopping experiences.”

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