segunda-feira, maio 11, 2009

Alimentação e saúde - uma aposta estratégica

Agora volto ao terceiro livro de Thomassen e Lincoln "Private Label" por causa de um pormenor que li ontem e que defendo já há algum tempo neste blogue, e que acredito que pode ser uma boa ajuda para, por exemplo, uma estratégia de aumento de valor acrescentado na agricultura:
“Consumers everywhere are asking themselves some very basic questions: about the real health of their food; about the origin of that food and whether it makes global sense. Would I be happier buying food that came from a local source or should I buy food that was sourced from the other side of the world? The chart shown in Figure 15.4 was published in 2005 and it showed even then that health was becoming a very big brand issue.
When you think about it for five seconds, the concept of buying butter from a cow in a field round the corner makes somewhat more sense than buying butter from 14,000 miles away in New Zealand. In fact, why do we even take five seconds to think about it!

Why don’t local food producers band together and deliver local food direct to households through web ordering? Tesco in the UK has shown how successful web ordering can be, with a significant part of its sales now attributed there. If you have enough scale, you can do it.”



1 comentário:

Jose Silva disse...


Ao contrário do que parece o futuro levará à extinção das marcas brancas/grandes superfícies e será baseado em marcas e vendas online.