quinta-feira, janeiro 29, 2009

Valor é algo subjectivo e atribuído por quem está no exterior

J.C. Larreche no seu livro “The Momentum Effect” expõe por que é que as empresas devem pensar em clientes-alvo, por que é que as empresas não devem tratar os clientes como A miudagem e proceder como os profilers do FBI.
“… a product does not really drive a company’s success. It is the product’s customer value that does. Products and services are only temporary vehicles to carry value from a firm to its customers. The only reason customers buy products and services is to obtain value.

It’s important to note that a product that some customers see as providing strong value will leave others indifferent – some may even perceive it as offering negative value.

Conclusion – a product or service has no intrinsic value, its value is only in the perception of customers.

… the question of whether an offer presents compelling value or not depends solely on the customer’s perception of it at any given point in time.

It is crucial not only to ensuring the proper design and execution of products, but also to targeting specific customers who perceive the highest value of the offering.

Moment-deficient firms believe that value is singular and absolute, when in fact different customers make different evaluations of the same product.

Same product – different perceptions of value. Truth is not unique.”
Estas mesmas razões devem ser consideradas quando escutamos os políticos avançarem com explicações racionais e baseadas na capacidade produtiva das empresas e no seu know-how para justificarem a salvação de empresas.

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