quinta-feira, dezembro 13, 2007

"Managing for Breakthroughs in Productivity"

Este artigo "Managing for Breakthroughs in Productivity" de Allan Scherr está recheado de pequenos tesouros:

"we focused on the question of how to deliberately create projects that would have this quality for people and would predictably produce extraordinary, unprecedented results."

"There appears to be a pattern to the occurrence of breakthroughs. They arise predictably around particular events we call breakdowns." ... "A breakdown occurs whenever there is a gap between a committed result and the predictable outcome given the current circumstances."
"While it is obvious that unprecedented, extraordinary results will never be produced by simply executing the predictable recipes from the past, most people’s actions in the midst of a breakdown situation are not consistent with this obvious fact."
"A breakdown, then, creates a demand for extraordinary action." ... "The occurrence of a breakdown causes people to shift their attention and to see things differently. This perceptual change is often the opening that enables people to see opportunities for previously unconsidered actions."

O "breakdown" gera a rotura, quebra as barreiras, estilhaça as regras impostas pelo lado esquerdo do cérebro e, assim, abre uma brecha, para que o lado direito do cérebro, com uma postura mais holistica, desencante uma saída ardilosa, memorável e bem sucedida.

"The traditional emphasis in project management is on avoiding breakdowns. The breakthrough framework reveals that the most effective strategy for avoiding breakdowns is to design one’s commitments to be as safe as possible or, even better, to avoid commitments altogether. Examples include being committed to “doing you best,” “trying hard,” or to following a process rather than to producing a specific result. The latter often appears among technical or science professionals who embrace a particular process for conducting research, doing creative work, or developing a product as the end rather than the means. This approach provides safety because, if the desired result is not produced, at least the work was done in the correct manner."

"to following a process rather than to producing a specific result" Esta é, para mim, IMHO, uma das "defesas" mais espalhadas pelo mundo. Basta recordar o plano nacional de combate à violência doméstica, sobre o qual escrevemos aqui e, aqui também, sobre o indicador´"número de reuniões".
"the strength of small companies in the face of a breakdown as interpreted here is their lack of flexibility rather than the additional degrees of freedom often ascribed to them."

Sei muito bem do que é que o homem está a falar. Uma pequena empresa não pode falhar, não tem alternativa, não tem pulmão. Esse ter de resultar, faz das tripas coração e gera níveis de desempenho excepcionais. Mais uma vez, a necessidade aguça o engenho!
"Successful organizations often give high priority to the minimization of risk and maximization of predictability. This is done to encourage what is seen as the source of past successes and to discourage what is seen as the cause of past failures. This priority is inappropriate, however, if unprecedented, extraordinary results are sought. Nevertheless, the management systems established in most large organizations have an implicit and largely unexamined bias against creating the kind of projects described in this article."

Isto faz-me lembrar um livro que li há mais de dez anos, "THE BREAKTHROUGH STRATEGY: USING SHORT-TERM SUCCESSES TO BUILD THE HIGH PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATION" de Robert Schaffer, by the way, no mesmo número da Harvard Business Review de Janeiro de 92 em que Kaplan e Norton escreveram o artigo inicial sobre o Balanced Scorecard, Schaffer escreveu também um artigo onde falava da "rain dance". No livro, o autor falava do "zest factor", para energizar as equipas de projecto.
"The more precise and specific the statement of the required results and timeframe is, the more likely the project will succeed."

Será que tem algo relacionado com a visualização do futuro? Com a comunhão de interpretações?

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