terça-feira, agosto 28, 2007

Balanced Scorecard: um foco tremendo na execução de uma estratégia (parte IV)

Os trechos apresentados na parte I desta série foram retirados daqui "The Tyranny of the Balanced Scorecard in the Innovation Economy".

Depois de descreverem como funciona um balanced scorecard, os autores chamam a atenção para alguns pontos críticos:

"When applied in the new innovation economy, the BSC displays significant limitations in dealing with the new, rapidly changing and networked corporate environment."


"The specific disadvantages of the BSC can be identified that endanger the survival of the firm in the innovation economy, and five major problem categories arise, as henceforth discussed.
The BSC is a measurement tool that is relatively rigid. The four perspectives are the main categories, according to which key success factors are defined. In consequence, the BSC tends to force indicators into one of the four perspectives. By doing so, it limits the view on the company, since it leaves little room for cross-perspectives that might have a simultaneous impact on the company. Those that do not fit or cannot be categorized within the given framework of the four dimensions are in danger of being neglected."


" the BSC might not only enhance a confirmation bias, enabling managers only to see what they want to see (or measure), but it ignores the changing nature of today’s business environment."

Seguem-se duas chamadas de atenção que considero muito relevantes, e que de alguma maneira já abordei em postais anteriores:

" The BSC creates a statism that tends to struggle with the challenges of a highly competitive and changing business world. Within the BSC approach, a centrally defined strategy is translated into certain measures that align all company activities to achieving these BSC goals. In consequence, the optimal implementation of a BSC leads to a high level of uniformity and goal orientation. This increases and possibly maximizes the focus on the given goal, but limits any further activities and initiatives that might go beyond the originally set targets."


" The external innovative connectivity of an organization is hampered by the BSC, which shows to be mostly an internal document thereby depicting a critical limitation in its ability to account for the external environment and systemic linkages. The BSC is a management and measurement tool that is primarily concerned with ”driving performance” and “translating strategy into action”, therefore promoting efficiency within an organization. It widely ignores the needs of an interlinked and highly networked innovation economy, in which companies coevolve and where competition is partly giving way to coopetition."

Creio que o uso do balanced scorecard, associado aos cenários, e o uso da Teoria das Restrições mo desenvolvimento das iniciativas estratégicas, pode ser uma maneira de reduzir a probabilidade de tomarmos a ferramenta sacrossanta e não a questionarmos, pode também ser uma forma de abrirmos a empresa ao resto do ambiente, com uma rede de ligações de causa-efeito.

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