sábado, outubro 16, 2021

Subsídios para um primeiro-ministro

"Ackoff (1981) contrasted five positions in relation to the future: reactive, which is past oriented; inactive, which is present oriented; pre-active, concerned with predicting the future; proactive, concerned with creating the future; and interactive, engaging and working with the future.
In the English language, the dictionary informs, a future event is considered to be a “time to come.” The future, in other words, is not something we go into, but something that comes at us. (This also implies that the future is different from the long term, which always happens later.) 
To clarify the conceptions of future time available to strategists and in decision-making processes, we have developed a heuristic called the “three arrows of time,” depicted in Figure 2.2:

The White Arrow represents the future embodied in our action planning. It is the future dependent on our will. It is manifested in processes such as schedules, roadmaps with milestones, budget plans, and goals with detailed targets and action plans. Management by objectives and most kinds of plans (strategic, tactical, operational) are familiar examples of this stance on the future. The White Arrow is informed by our sense of the gap between our current situation and the vision to which we aspire.
This White Arrow can hide deeper assumptions about the way the world should work, such as a deeply held narrative or myth of progress.
The Black Arrow timeline depicts the momentum of the past, the things that have already happened and that are expected to continue to have impact on one’s situation in the future. The Black Arrow is informed by horizon scanning, forecast-based planning, and trend/mega-trend impact analysis. For example, governments rely on demographic forecasting to anticipate how many children are going to be born and need to be educated, or to calculate when pensions will need to be paid out and for how long. Such analysis, in turn, informs the White Arrow timeline and the targets for maternity facilities and school building programs.
The Shaded Arrow depicts future developments that are coming toward us independent of our will. The Shaded Arrow is informed by redirecting attention to novel developments, emerging issues, weak signals, disruptive changes, etc. Imagination plays a large role here.
These plausible future contexts are constructed from the interaction of the yet-to-unfold certainties identified by the Black Arrow and the uncertainty of less familiar and novel developments introduced by the Shaded Arrow. The resulting scenarios (combining Black Arrow and Shaded Arrow conceptions of the future) can then help users to assess priorities and options for action, that is, the White Arrow (strategies or intentions)."

Trechos retirados de "Strategic Reframing" de Rafael Ramírez e Angela Wilkinson.   

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