terça-feira, agosto 29, 2017

A alternativa que não foi seguida pela imprensa

"“We are breathing new life into the Czech glass industry,” says Pavel Weiser, the glassmaker’s owner.
Weiser’s company, Verreum, has drawn a global following by marrying traditional craftsmanship with 21st century design and marketing.
Czech manufacturers have struggled in the post-Soviet era as state-owned factories were privatized and faced lower-cost competition from China.
Verreum leases its space but next year plans to open its own factory. Weiser says sales will grow about 30 percent this year from €1 million in 2016. While the company occupies only a tiny niche in the Czech glassware industry, it provides a lifeline to some suppliers of glassmaking equipment while employing graduates of a local school that trains glassblowers. The plant offers “a completely new work routine,” says Michal Masek, recruited by Verreum after the factory where he worked went bankrupt. “There’s more art and design. Every day is different.”"
A mesma alternativa que o calçado e o mobiliário desenvolveram com sucesso para fugir ao rolo compressor do low-cost chinês: subir na escala de valor.

A alternativa que não foi seguida pela imprensa: "O anúncio da morte da imprensa desta vez é para levar a sério". Ainda esta semana tivemos um exemplo da descida na escala de valor.

Trechos retirados de "A Czech Producer Buffs Up the Bohemian Glass Industry With a Focus on Design"

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